York Road in the Town Centre of Royal Tunbridge Wells - What is the downside ?

York Road in the Culverden Ward of Royal Tunbridge Wells
The inconveniences to cope with in 2004 and beyond

parking and traffic problems in York Road

Parking & Traffic

garden plot used for parking - opposite No. 8 York Road

Garden plot used for parking - opposite No. 8 York Road
owner: Alfern Investments, Jersey

Habitat's warehouse entrance in York Road

The former Congregational Church at the corner of Mount Pleasant and York Road
Habitat - not so posh!
Habitat closes down on 14 February 2007

Burger King in Tunbridge Wells

Burger King
- You like the food? - the ads? - the smell? - the noise? - the litter?

Burger King closed down in autumn 2005

York Road Tunbridge Wells

Development of Telephone House Tunbridge Wells

What is the future ? -
The re-development of the Telephone House, York Road / Church Road, Tunbridge Wells

LINK to internet site of the Telephone House Neighbours Association - www.telephonehouse.org.uk

FOR MORE INFORMATION on the Telephone House Debacle

WHAT'S GOING ON? — in the neighbourhood of the former Telephone House site