York Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells

The former Congregational Church, at the corner of Mount Pleasant and York Road, is occupied by Habitat

Habitat’s delivery and storage problems

Habitat’s depot in York Road in 2001 The inconvenience:

Habitat has daily deliveries coming often during morning rush hours and is able to cause congestions for longer periods. Here they unload on double yellow lines. On other days delivery vans park opposite their property, on a single yellow line: thus carrying every item across the street!

Habitat - after a delivery in 2001

The pavement is completely blocked. Two cars of employees on Habitat’s grounds occupy much needed temporary space.
Two listed houses, Nos. 2 and 4 York Road, were demolished to make place for Habitat’s integrated depot - the two "garage"-like openings.

HABITAT closes on 14 February 2007.
Cotswold Outdoor / Ismail (Cafe) / UK Cycles will be part of our neighbourhood - 30 November 2007 is opening day.

York Road at the beginning of the 20th century
before the conversion of the Congregational Church into 'Habitat'

York Road - Inconveniences

LINK to internet site of the Telephone House Neighbours Association - www.telephonehouse.org.uk

WHAT'S GOING ON? — in the neighbourhood of the former Telephone House site