Where is York Road ?

York Road is located in the Town Centre of Royal Tunbridge Wells in Kent, England

Postcodes TN1 1JY and TN1 1JX are within Culverden Ward and Tunbridge Wells Local Authority District.

York Road is a historical road in the centre of Tunbridge Wells - running parallel to Church Road

LINK to: The Telephone House Neighbours Association, Tunbridge Wells, www.telephonehouse.org.uk/telephonehouse/tunbridgewellscentre.html Location Map - Images of Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Centre
July 2002 - February 2003 - July 2003
Browse the interactive Map of Tunbridge Wells Town Centre

LINK to: www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk

Census 2001 - Neighbourhood Statistics - Culverden Ward, Tunbridge Wells

history of York Road, Tunbridge Wells

How did York Road look around 1839 ?

York Road Tunbridge Wells - contents