Surroundings of York Road, Tunbridge Wells, on a map of 1839

York Road does not exist yet - Decimus Burton’s Trinity Church is the new district church

1839 - York Road is not on the map yet. Green fields and common land dominate the area.
The first houses in York Road were in fact built circa 1847 by the local stone mason Jabez Scholes, on leased land owned by the Reverend Benjamin Slight.
In 1852, York Road is confirmed as a new road leading from Mount Pleasant Road to the Tunbridge Wells Common.

1839 - Church Road is well established with its villas and houses on both sides. Decimus Burton's Trinity Church in Church Road is the new district church for Tunbridge Wells, since 1829.
1839 London Road and the road to Speldhurst and Tunbridge (now Tonbridge) is shown as well.

evolution of York Road, Tunbridge Wells

Evolution of York Road, Tunbridge Wells: 1867-1965

York Road Tunbridge Wells - contents