Evolution of York Road, Tunbridge Wells - maps from 1867 to 1965

York Road, Tunbridge Wells, and Surroundings 1867

map 1867

York Road, Tunbridge Wells, and Surroundings 1909

map 1909

York Road, Tunbridge Wells, and Surroundings 1936

map 1936

York Road, Tunbridge Wells, and Surroundings 1965

map 1965 - with the Telephone House site, York Road / Church Road

Through careful studying of these maps, you can see the gradual evolution of York Road and its surrounding area to its current state today. Over time, villa style housing filled the road. Many of these beautiful houses are listed buildings.

Listed buildings in York Road, Tunbridge Wells, and its neighbourhood

Grade I and Grade II listed buildings in this part of the Conservation Area of Tunbridge Wells
York Road, Church Road, London Road

York Road Tunbridge Wells - contents