The Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Newsletter - Autumn 2000

Editor Chris Jones, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LB

Re-Development of Telephone House - 2nd planning application

Members will remember that the original application for the re-development of the Telephone House site was rejected by the planners in February (see Spring 2000 Newsletter). A new application has been submitted - again by Crest Homes and Southgate Developments (the property arm of BT), but with new architects - Sutters Partnership. The new application is for 43 flats, which includes a proportion of affordable housing.

The new proposal comprises four blocks - one occupying the whole Church Road frontage of the site, two on the York Road frontage separated from each other by the main vehicular access to the site, and fourth "mews" block lying in the centre of the site.

The Society has not yet formally responded to the application, but the Committee has had two meetings with the developers - so that we can understand their terms of reference and design strategy, and to allow us to present our concerns to them. The first meeting was held in the Town Hall in July; Council officers, members of Trinity and local residents were invited.

The Committee has two main concerns over the proposals - the height of the Church Road block and the detail of the front elevation. The proposed block is lower than Telephone House, but is still considerably higher than the neighbouring buildings to the west, and particularly to the east. This is the case, even if, as is claimed, the penthouse flats on the top floor, which are set back from the front of the building, are not visible from road level. The front elevation has been likened, in an unfortunate phrase which will probably now stick, to Bournemouth sea-front. There is scope here, however, if not for radical redesign, then for changes in presentation, materials and finishes; and the plans do include the planting of mature trees in front of the building.

York Road residents who attended the July meeting were particularly concerned at the impact of the development on existing car parking spaces. The proposed development is understood to include basement parking that would provide one space per flat. The fear is that as the flats are all two-bedroom, this would not be sufficient. The developers however, are understood to be following recent Government guidelines in this, in an attempt to dissuade car-ownership in central urban areas.

Comment to the Editor : Newsletter Autumn 2000

How did the Civic Society see it in spring 2000 ? - 1st planning application

Resident's letter commenting on BT/Crest Homes' meeting with the Civic Society in summer 2000

October 2000 - Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, Councillors/Members of the Western Area Planning Committee decided to refuse BT's / Crest Nicholson's 2nd joint planning application for Telephone House, Church Road / York Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1.