The Draft Local Plan Review 2001-2011, Tunbridge Wells Borough Council,
was leaked to Crest Nicholson shortly after the Telephone House Public Inquiry

Despite TWBC having decided not to appeal against the Inspector’s decision to allow Crest Nicholson to build 43 flats on the Telephone House site, residents’ opposition remains strong.

It appears that TWBC helped significantly to lose their own case.

The Local Plan Review 2001-2010 provides for a Policy on the site. This Policy is virtually identical to the twice refused Crest’s application.

Prior to “rubberstamping” the Local Plan Review on 23 May, Councillors were informed by TWBC officers that the Inspector could not and would not take this document into consideration.
Councillors should have been told that
- on 9 May the Inspector had already learnt of the Policy for Telephone House from Crest

(Who leaked that document to Crest, as it was not a public document at the time ?)

and Councillors should have been told that
- on 15 May TWBC’s development control manager had confirmed to the Inspector that Joint Central Board and Operational Services Board had approved the document.

The Inspector refers to the emerging Local Plan Review in his decision to uphold the appeal.

Residents were not informed that the Inspector had received further evidence after the Inquiry of 1-4 May. A guide by the Planning Inspectorate Making your planning appeal suggests that involved parties have to be informed. It seems legal procedures were not followed and that the Public Inquiry should have been re-opened.

As with regard to the rumors of expensive costs, residents believe that TWBC had enough grounds to appeal against the Cost Decision.

Those responsible for the fiasco are relieved that the deadline for the appeal (14 August) passed unnoticed. They invite to comment on the Draft Local Plan, assuring residents that their views are taken into account. Whom are they kidding?

August 2001
Robert J Soden

Continue to read about the Re-development of Telephone House

The Telephone House Development in Tunbridge Wells - in 1999/2000/2001/2002/2003

The re-development of the Telephone House, York Road / Church Road, Tunbridge Wells

LINK to internet site of the Telephone House Neighbours Association -

For more information on the Telephone House Debacle