Crest Homes / BT's decision to go into appeal

Council officers, having recommended the development, will defend the Councillors' decision (to reject officers' recommendation).

Re: Redevelopment of Telephone House, Church Road, Tunbridge Wells.

Crest Homes and BT did not accept the decision of the elected councillors to go back to the drawing board and create something more acceptable than the unsophisticated clutter they have presented us twice already.
They appealed against the refusal of their planning application.

The decision-making inspector will be confronted with the following facts:

We, the residents, have to sit once more on the sidelines and hope that we can convince the Planning Inspectorate that local people know best the area they live in.
Planning decisions of such an impact should not be without their input.

Barbara Clarke
York Road, Tunbridge Wells

This comment was published slightly edited as letter to the editor in the Courier 23.02.01

Continue to read about the Re-development of Telephone House

The re-development of the Telephone House, York Road / Church Road, Tunbridge Wells

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For more information on the Telephone House Debacle